How Meditation can Change Our Future.

Meditation has attracted substantial interest from scientists, spiritualists who are now able to use new technologies to see exactly what goes on inside the brains of individuals (the scientific meditators) who practice meditation. Research has shown that regular meditation actuallyalters the way the brain is wired, and that these changes could be at the coreContinueContinue reading “How Meditation can Change Our Future.”

Anxiety in Volunteering

Sometimes you feel you’ve been overwhelmed, sometimes you get this paranoid and anxiety tries to take over. Then you ‘if I give up, what lesson do I have to pass on to these children’. You may not understand it but unconsciously, these children want to really know what motivates you. Enough of the drama thatContinueContinue reading “Anxiety in Volunteering”

Mother Nature’s Karmic Rewards

“Thou art righteous, O Lord… because Thou hast judged thus.” —Revelation 16:5–6Does God judge the nations? Will He judge our political and religious leaders? Will He judge those who reject His rule and who laugh at, spit upon, and mistreat His people? Will the Almighty be your judge? Equally important: Does God, judging all things,ContinueContinue reading “Mother Nature’s Karmic Rewards”

THE GIFTS OF Imperfection Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown, Ph.D., L.M.S.W.

Once you see a pattern, you can’t un-see it. Trust me, I’ve tried. But when the same truth keeps repeating itself, it’s hard to pretend that it’s just a coincidence. For example, no matter how hard I try to convince myself that I can function on six hours of sleep, anything less than eight hoursContinueContinue reading “THE GIFTS OF Imperfection Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown, Ph.D., L.M.S.W.”

How Giving Saves Lives

It’s hard giving from our little. We never envisage how much negativity a little giving can ward off for us. G2Resolve for Global Resolution The power of giving is fading because of added self interests diverting funds for the good cause for personal gains. For the past 7-11 years, I’ve never visited the hospital. NotContinueContinue reading “How Giving Saves Lives”