Watch “The Final Battle of Love” on YouTube

Humanity has made the Final Choice – in favor of Good. Evil therefore decided to change this progress of Evolutionary Movement towards the Light, and to lay decisive battle against the idea of Peace. Thus began a series of global wars…

Watch “Spiritual DOORKEEPERS |five finger glory” on YouTube

Every realm of spiritual manifestation has various doorkeepers. As this entails to the wars waged by believers, demonic gateways to attack and accuse believers has remained manned by vicious entities. Seeking the knowledge of demonic root to engage in warfare for liberation of your negative situations, you need to listen to this vlog below andContinueContinue reading “Watch “Spiritual DOORKEEPERS |five finger glory” on YouTube”

Need Faith to Manifest Positivity?

A lot has happened to people losing faith due to environmental and societal factors but Yahweh had assured us his constant unchanging nature to assist us in perilous times. A little faith can change a whole lot. Click the link below to read these verses, say Amen to the prayers to witness what you’ve longContinueContinue reading “Need Faith to Manifest Positivity?”

Why do we fast

I’ve compiled a list of nine biblical reasons that we fast, and they don’tnecessarily parallel the list of 12 benefits of fasting listed in Isaiah 58. Many of these points get down to the “nitty gritty” areas of the Christian life, and they answer some of the most common questions I’ve been asked about fastingContinueContinue reading “Why do we fast”

True Joy

What is this thing called joy, and how is it possible that it can evokesuch a wide range of feelings? How can the experience of joy spanfrom those tears of joy at a birth to an irrepressible belly laugh at a joketo a serenely contented smile during meditation? Joy seems to blanket this entire emotionalContinueContinue reading “True Joy”

How Giving Saves Lives

It’s hard giving from our little. We never envisage how much negativity a little giving can ward off for us. G2Resolve for Global Resolution The power of giving is fading because of added self interests diverting funds for the good cause for personal gains. For the past 7-11 years, I’ve never visited the hospital. NotContinueContinue reading “How Giving Saves Lives”

Children as Mirrors

Because our young children are relatively unspoiled, they are our clearest mirrors. As intuitive beings, they are tuned in on a feeling level and respond honestly to the energy as they feel it. They haven’t learned to cover up yet. When adults do not speak or behave according to what they are actually feeling, childrenContinueContinue reading “Children as Mirrors”

Our Children

Living as a channel for the universe applies to parenting as much as to every other area of our lives. While I don’t have children myself, I have a number of friends who are using these principles in relating to their children. It certainly isn’t easy to transform our old concepts and patterns of raisingContinueContinue reading “Our Children”

Rockefeller Money, the Illuminati, and the Breeding of the New “Super Man”

Anytime there’s a global satanic event such as the upcoming Parliament of World Religions, you better believe the Illuminati are nearby, lurking in the background. In fact, my investigation reveals that it is Illuminati money that is behind the Parliament.The main money sponsor of the Parliament is the Institute for 21st Century Studies, a Rockefeller–fundedContinueContinue reading “Rockefeller Money, the Illuminati, and the Breeding of the New “Super Man””

Christians and Churches Persecuted

In France, in 1798, the Freemason Voltaire privately told his JacobinIlluminati co–conspirators, “Our real object is to crush the wretch.” The “wretch” to whom Voltaire referred was Jesus Christ. E-Books, Website Scripts and Sounds. Christians in towns and cities across France who refused to renounce Christ were bound hand and foot and loaded onto boats.ContinueContinue reading “Christians and Churches Persecuted”