Watch “The Final Battle of Love” on YouTube

Humanity has made the Final Choice – in favor of Good. Evil therefore decided to change this progress of Evolutionary Movement towards the Light, and to lay decisive battle against the idea of Peace. Thus began a series of global wars…

Watch “Spiritual DOORKEEPERS |five finger glory” on YouTube

Every realm of spiritual manifestation has various doorkeepers. As this entails to the wars waged by believers, demonic gateways to attack and accuse believers has remained manned by vicious entities. Seeking the knowledge of demonic root to engage in warfare for liberation of your negative situations, you need to listen to this vlog below andContinueContinue reading “Watch “Spiritual DOORKEEPERS |five finger glory” on YouTube”

Prayer of Faith

Faith is strengthened by courage and lack of fear. The stage had been set to test the faith of the disciples in Christ just as our faith in Him is tested on our turbulent journey of life. Jesus sent the disciples in a boat to go ahead of Him to the other side. They wereContinueContinue reading “Prayer of Faith”

Arrows of Pain, Arrows of Triumph.

There is a cost that comes with the call and the anointing of God. When we finally acknowledge that our lives are not our own and that we have been bought with a price, then everything changes. We begin to feel the urgency of God moving us inexorably to our particular part of the harvestContinueContinue reading “Arrows of Pain, Arrows of Triumph.”

Self Awakening

Have you ever believed that you aren’t good enough? That you’re notthin or fat enough? That you’re unlovable? That you’re a bad mom, bad child? Have you ever believed that you deserve to be treated badly? That you’ll never amount to anything? That your kids, parents, peers or the community at large will always beContinueContinue reading “Self Awakening”