Jesus Christ and End Time to the Muslims

According to both Sunni and Shia traditions, the Mahdi will be joined by Jesus Christ in the bloody battle against the Dajjal. This is where John revealed in the book of revelation about the rider on the white horse with His uncountable faithful soldiers making war against the heathen and ruling over them for eternity.IslamContinueContinue reading “Jesus Christ and End Time to the Muslims”

Christians and Churches Persecuted

In France, in 1798, the Freemason Voltaire privately told his JacobinIlluminati co–conspirators, “Our real object is to crush the wretch.” The “wretch” to whom Voltaire referred was Jesus Christ. E-Books, Website Scripts and Sounds. Christians in towns and cities across France who refused to renounce Christ were bound hand and foot and loaded onto boats.ContinueContinue reading “Christians and Churches Persecuted”


There are demonic spirit that imitates Jesus. A counterfeit or false Jesus. Usually found in cults that do not preach the Jesus of the Bible and transgress the doctrine of Christ by either denying His divinity, messiahship, and/or sinlessness. Also denying His virgin birth or humanity (i.e., Roman Catholic Church, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Unity, Black Muslims,ContinueContinue reading “IS THERE ANOTHER JESUS (2CORINTHIANS 11:4)”


The universality of the Law of Karma is one of the chief factors which binds life together, and mineral life as well. All these compose one big family, with a complicated and inseparable karma. The law of karma is scientific and logical. It is spiritual form of the physical Law of Cause and Effect. EveryContinueContinue reading “Karma”

The Transformation of Man

When man shall at last know God he shall be transformed. Dynamic knowledge of the Identity of the Presence of God within the Soul of Man and throughout all Nature is a necessary stage for the human race to attain before it is possible for him to build an enduring civilization of unity and brotherhood.ContinueContinue reading “The Transformation of Man”

A Faithful Remnant Remains

Thank God, there is still in existence a tiny but faithful remnant of true Christian believers. Though few in number, true Christian believers cannot be deceived for long. They miraculously are able to spiritually recognize each other. Gifted with discernment, they know the genuine from the counterfeit. The remnant is hardy and tough. They refuseContinueContinue reading “A Faithful Remnant Remains”

Biochip and mark of the beast

Is the biochip the Mark of the Beast?If a device implanted under your skin can control your finance, health, location and what have you, it can be actually be manipulated to alter your decisions and choices. What is The Biochip Technology?The biochip technology was originally developed in 1983 for monitoring fisheries, it’s use now includes,ContinueContinue reading “Biochip and mark of the beast”

Christianity Afflicted With Doctrines of Devils

Please answer this question: Who are the most wicked and evil men in the world today?If, in pondering an answer, your mind quickly considers the long list of global politicians, bankers, and corporate chieftains involved in the conspiracy for a New World Order, that’s understandable. Barack Obama,Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Baron JacobContinueContinue reading “Christianity Afflicted With Doctrines of Devils”

The Judgement Day

The inescapable truth is that God is merciful and tender. He is a rewarder of those who love Him and who respect His Word. He is quick to forgive and to blot from His memory forever the sins of the saints. To His beloved, the Lord bequeaths the untold treasures of the Kingdom.But for thoseContinueContinue reading “The Judgement Day”